Monday, April 15, 2013

Hillabolt Happenings: 4/1 - 4/15/13

Ryan was away for work the first week of April, but Hannah & I kept busy with some fun playdates with friends, we went to the zoo and the park a couple times.  The weather is phenomenal, so we are trying to take advantage of it before we are stuck inside the A/C for the summer. =)  We celebrated my mom's birthday by going out to lunch and then while Papa watched Hannah, my mom & I got to get pampered at the nail salon!

Ryan was thankfully home the 2nd week of April (the first time in 5 weeks he'd been home during the week), so that was a nice change to have him home! We went swimming at my parents pool - Hannah LOVED swimming & diving for rings.  I can't wait to practice all that she's been learning with her swim lessons now that the pool is warmed up!

Hannah & I went to an Earth Day Celebration which was fun - they had face painting and a petting zoo (she got to pet some armadillo's, an alpaca, a lizard, some bunnies, chickens and a chinchilla)!

Here's some pics from our week!

Playing on my kindle in the dog bed....hmmmm

Checking out the animals at the zoo

Showing off their cool Earth Day tattoos!

Fun at the zoo!

Ready to SWIM!

LOVE this girl!

Fun at the park with friends!


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